Cyber Essential Plus Accreditation

EEZZIE can help your organisation demonstrate its commitment to cyber security by gaining both parts of the Cyber Essentials accreditation.


What is Cyber Essentials?

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme to help organisations protect themselves against cyber attacks. Becoming accredited shows that you are serious about protecting the online security of both customers and your business.

There are two levels of Cyber Essentials certification. Cyber essentials is a simple, self-assessment option which provides some reassurance that your online defences are sufficient to repel some of the most common types of cyber attack.

A more robust option is to become Cyber Essentials Plus certified, and EEZZIE can help you with both.

How can EEZZIE Help?


We will also test that your security meets Cyber Essentials Plus standards, and check that your employees understand the necessary procedures for handling sensitive personal data.

Once you have gained certification, you will need to renew it on an annual basis to demonstrate your procedures have adapted to any potential new threats. As part of our service, we can also help you put together a strategy for your renewal. We will work with you at every point, helping to make Cyber Essentials Plus EEZZIE


Gaining Cyber Essentials Plus certification requires you to fill out a self-certification. EEZZIE’s experienced and friendly team will happily help you to complete this paperwork to a high standard.

Infrastructure audit

Once the initial questionnaire has been completed, we will conduct an audit of your infrastructure to make sure the answers you provided in the questionnaire match the network protections we find. This also provides an opportunity for us to discuss any security weaknesses we find, and how they can be fixed.

Why do I need Cyber Essentials Plus certification?

Apart from the obvious peace of mind that comes from knowing your organisation’s processes are robust, in order to bid for any public sector contracts you must have Cyber Essentials Plus certification.

Speak to us about Cyber Essentials Plus Certification