Penetration Testing

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What is it?

Pen testing is where we simulate a cyber-attack against your website or application to identify any potential vulnerabilities. We use a combination of the latest automated tools and manual testing, using the expert eye and hacking techniques of one of our team.

Pen testing is a complex process. Ours are conducted to the highest standards, and will make sure you’re aware of any security risks, including the OWASP Top 10.  We use the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard 4.0.  As an example, for your web application to achieve level 1 status, it must be able to defend against easily discoverable application security vulnerabilities included in the OWASP Top 10 security standards.

What types of Penetration testing do you offer?

We provide a range of different tests, including web application, external infrastructure, internal infrastructure and mobile applications. We are also able to security test Internet of Things devices. These are everyday devices such as light bulbs and plugs which connect to the internet. IoT devices come with their own specific security vulnerabilities, so a pre-emptive test during the design process could provide invaluable reassurance that your product is secure.

 Is there anything else I should know?

Our network of experts are dotted across the globe, so we would be delighted to discuss your pen testing needs wherever your business might be!

Book a Penetration Test Today!